Tattered Lace Starlights Collection Samples


Well my luck just kept on holding, I got, again, in my opinion, the best of the collection with the Starlights circles and Happy Birthday Plaque to work with. Though I have to admit to being somewhat stumped when they first arrived. After much cutting and playing around I managed to come up with some new ideas and ended up being really pleased with the results. To see full size images and details of dies and materials used just click on the thumbnails.

tlg26 tlg25 tlg24 tlg23 tlg22 tlg21 tlg20 tlg19 tlg18 tlg17 tlg16 tlg15 tlg14 tlg13 tlg12 tlg11 tlg10 tlg9 tlg8 tlg7 tlg6 tlg5 tlg4 tlg3