Is There A God In Heaven?

Is there a God in Heaven? and does he ever cry,

because of mankind’s suffering and innocents who die?

If there’s a God in Heaven, I wonder if he aches,

over all our imperfections and continual mistakes.

Is there a God in Heaven? and if so, what faith is he?

a Buddhist, Muslim, Sikh, a Roman Catholic, C of E?

If there’s a God in Heaven? is he really a great King?

and does he really have control of every living thing?

Is there a God in Heaven? does he have a master plan,

for his wonderful creation? for the universe? for man?

If there’s a God in Heaven, is he wonderful and good?

Since the dawn of creation, has he done all that he could?

Is there a God in Heaven? and is he a pacifist?

or does watching loved ones suffer, mean that he’s a masochist?

If there’s a God in Heaven, does that mean he’s a dictator?

As people of the world must die to meet their great creator.

Is there a God in Heaven? some say “no” and some say “yes”.

If he put in an appearance then we wouldn’t have to guess.

If there’s a God in Heaven, it’s so hard to comprehend;

why he doesn’t intervene to bring all evil to an end.

Is there a God in Heaven? did he send his only Son?

If God can choose to parent, why did he choose only One?

If there’s a God in Heaven, why not send a whole committee,

to banish evil, put right wrong, in every town and city?

Is there a God in Heaven? is he just? and is he fair?

and does he really listen to the words we say in prayer?

If there’s a God in Heaven, hope I live to see the day;

when evil, illness, death and famine, all are swept away.

Is there a God in Heaven? I’d love to believe it’s true,

but the world in which we’re living makes it difficult to do.

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