Memories To Cherish

When my friend passed away after a long battle with cancer and the effects of treatment, her husband asked my if I knew anyone who could make a memory bear for her Son using one of her coats. I immediately volunteered for the task. We chose one f her favourite coats made of the softest fur fabric. I used a pattern I found on Pinterest that I’d used to make memory bears for my daughters when their Grandma passed away. This Time I enlarged the pattern to make a larger bear. This one was a little tricky as the fabric was checked which meant pattern matching. The end result was a super cute cuddly bear who my friend’s Son loved to bits.

Memory Bear made using a pattern found on Pinterest for my dear friend's son from one of her favourite coats after she sadly passed away. -
Memory Bear made using a pattern found on Pinterest for my dear friend's son from one of her favourite coats after she sadly passed away. -

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