Papermill Competition Entry

Any self respecting crafter out there is bound to have heard of Papermilldirect , their card and paper is just the most lush there is, so when they posted a competition to win a free box, I just had to have a go, and as is my wacky way, my entry was in rhyme as follows;

Papermill card stock is simply sublime
I wish I could use it all of the time.
A rainbow of colours and finishes too

To say which is my fave is so hard to do.
A quality product for projects galore
No card stock producer could offer you more.
Us crafters and card makers must have the best,
To make our end products stand out from the rest.
I stocked up from outlets a few years ago
But my precious stash is now getting quite low.
If I won a free box I’d bow down in awe.
Fingers crossed, here’s my entry to your free prize draw.

This entry was posted in Poems.

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