The EU Referendum Shuffle

The EU Referendum Shuffle

The referendum’s coming soon, we get to cast our votes in June.

Do you know what it’s all about? Will you be voting in or out?

The information on T.V. perplexes and confuses me.

And other countries have their say on how we all should vote that day.

Deciphering the quoted facts on how the end result impacts,

Is mind-blowing, at least to me, we’ll all just have to wait and see.

I’ve no idea what to do, what’s right or wrong, I’ve not a clue.

I’ve many feelings mixed inside, compassion, fear and national pride.

Our country should be safe and fair, so those deserving get their share.

Where people who break laws and cheat, are punished and faced with defeat.

Where politicians tell the truth, set good examples for our youth.

Where health care meets growing demand, for all the people in our land.

Where people who work hard all day, can feel secure and get fair pay.

I want to hear unbiased facts, not twisted lies from bureaucrats.

Not out of context prophesies of possible catastrophes.

How can any sane man choose? it’s heads you win and tails you lose.

To toss a coin may be the way , to help decide on polling day.

A big decision, on the brink but I still don’t know what to think.

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