Die Storage To Die For

Die Storage To Die For

Throughout my years of crafting I’ve collected many dies,

from every manufacturer in every shape and size.

From large to small, both thick and thin and others in between,

for every craft occasion, that there has ever been.

And now I have so many, organising them is hard,

to make sure I know where to look, when I’m making a card.

There’s lots of storage options but no single one succeeds,

so I use a combination to meet my storage needs.

A CD shelving system is perfect for thick dies.

The shelves can be adjusted to accommodate the size.

For Sizzlet dies and Cuttlebug, I use a special case.

To see them stacked up neatly puts a smile upon my face.

I have a lot of Quickutz dies they’re 2×2 and thin,

they’re all stored neatly indexed in their special ‘Magpie’ tins.

My Quickutz 4×4 dies, of which I have a few,

I keep in a CD case, with an index on full view.

It has lots of suspended files which are all double sided.

It can hold two hundred dies which are numerically divided.

They’re all filed alphabetically, a typed list is on show,

to tell me when I need a die, to which pocket to go.

Thin metal dies are now the thing, and my collection’s growing,

but how to store them logically, there is no way of knowing.

You can easy spend a fortune on things specially designed,

but I’ve weighed them up and none of them can meet my needs, I find.

I’ve tried storing in folders and in see-through zippy cases,

and I’ve looked at all the storage systems in the crafty places.

Well now I’ve found the answer to storing my prize collection,

in a way that makes it easy to make my die selection.

I use magnetic sheets and plastic wallets in A4.

At first I just bought twenty but I’ve since bought sixty more.

I bought three lots of ‘Tuff’ boxes with five in every set,

complete with magazine racks they’re the best thing I’ve found yet.

Each single box holds seven A4 sheets stored safe inside

and the sets store neatly on my shelving, sitting side by side.

I sorted out my dies by shape and theme, then neatly labelled

On the end of each box, so, in their location I’m enabled.

I know you won’t believe it, but I’ve more storage to do,

Like my wooden custom made dies and my twelve inch long ones too

The wooden ones are on my shelf in boxes made of plastic,

Without the lids stored on their sides and this works out fantastic.

Another CD shelf unit, (some shelves been removed),

Is the best way to store the twelve inch long ones, it has proved.

I stand them all on end and neatly in the space they go.

The remainder of the unit holds my thick die overflow.

My big shot pro dies, twelve by twelve and a half inches wide,

Sit on another shelf above my desk stood on their side.

So there you have it, just for now, that’s where all my dies go,

But all could change next time I take a trip to a craft show.

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