
It’s Wednesday night, it’s after tea.
There’s no one here just little me.
I’m on the sofa nice and cosy,
With a cheeky glass of rosy.
It’s actually White Zinfandel,
But rosy suits me just as well.
I’m flicking through what’s on TV
And checking out what’s on FB.
I can’t face Candy Crush again
It drives totally insane.
And Words of wonder’s just as bad
Designed to drive you raving mad.
But then the news at 10 o’clock
Leaves me feeling numb with shock.
Impossible to comprehend
How broken lives will ever mend.
Murder, terrorist campaigns,
Damage caused by hurricanes.
My heart goes out to all involved,
How will these tragedies be solved.
Politicians legislate,
They waffle on, procrastinate.
Too little done, often too late.
And finally to top it all
The weather forecast, will rain fall?
Will summer come at all this year.
You’ll need your brollies
Have no fear.
Will all this running through my head.
It’s time I headed off to bed.
Good night god bless, hope you sleep well.
I will thanks to the Zinfandel.

This entry was posted in Poems.

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